See original
in English
under the
Por Mila Rechcigl
"Há um grande número de biografias que retratam a vida e a obra de Karl Heinrich Marx, geralmente considerado o fundador do comunismo. A maioria dos biógrafos frisam que ele era descendente de uma longa linhagem de rabinos da região do Reno na Alemanha. Esta suposição é correta quando se considera a ancestralidade da sua avó paterna.
Casa da família Marx
em Trier
Casa da família Marx
em Trier
Marx e Jenny v. Westfallen
É surpreendente que o biógrafos têm geralmente ignorado as raízes paternas de seu pai, para não falar dos antepassados da mãe de Karl Marx.
Isto é ainda mais surpreendente, considerando o fato de que a localização da terra natal do avô paterno de Karl Marx é claramente visível na lápide dele no cemitério judáico de Trier, Alemanha. As pessoas que sabem o alfabeto hebráico podem ler claramente Postelberg, o nome
germanizado de Postoloprty, uma cidade na República Tcheca, situada em Usti nad Labem, região cerca de 7 km de Louny.
Para quem não sabe disto, eu preparei um resumo abreviado dos antepassados de Karl Marx:
Ancestrais dos Pais
Pai de Karl Marx, Heinrich Marx (1782-1838) nasceu em Saarlouis, Saarland, na Alemanha. Seu nome original era Levi Hirschel que, após a conversão ao protestantismo, foi alterado para Heinrich. Ele era advogado e juiz em Saarlois e, mais tarde, em Trier (Trèves), na Alemanha.
Heinrich Marx era filho de Levi Meir, posteriormente adotando o sobrenome de Marx, que nasceu em Postoloprty, Bohemia, em 1748, Meir Marx mais tarde mudou-se para Trier, na Alemanha, onde morreu em 1804. Ele era casado Eva Lwow (1753-1823), filha de Moses ben Joshua Heschel Lwow, rabino em Trier. Os seus antepassados eram em sua maioria rabinos. Levi Marx tornou-se rabino-chefe de Trier após morte do seu sogro.
O pai de Meir Levi Marx era Samuel (Schmuel) ha-Levi (ca. 1735- 1777), nascido em Postoloprty, Bohemia; de sua mãe, Malka, desconhece-se o sobrenome . Pouco se sabe sobre o pai de Samuel Levi, com exceção que seu nome era Mordechai Marx e que ele morava em Postoloprty, Bohemia.
A mãe de Karl Marx, Henrietta Pressburg nasceu no dia 20 de setembro de 1780 em Nijmegen, Países Baixos. Seus pais eram o rabino Isaak Heyman Pressburg e Nanette Cohen.
Isaak Heyman Pressburg era um nativo de Bratislava (Pressburg em alemão), onde nasceu em torno de 1747. Ele veio para Nijmegen, na Holanda, em 1832, onde se tornou um comerciante e onde morreu em 1832. Nanette (1754-1833), que era natural de Amsterdã Holanda, veio da proeminente família Barent-Cohen, muitos dos quais foram rabinos.
Pergunta-se quem era realmente o pai Chaim Pressburg's. Poderia ter sido o rabino Michel Lázaro Pressburg (d.1756), ou seu irmão Mayer Pressburg (d. 1752). O certo, contudo, é que o avô Chaim foi Michel Simon, um nativo de Raab, Bohemia (m. 1719), que mais tarde mudou seu nome para Pressburg, depois de ter deixado Bratislava.
É interessante que, através de Michel Simon, Karl Marx era aparentado com Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), um brilhante poeta romântico e figura proeminente da literatura do século 19. Karl Marx era primo em terceiro grau de Henrietta Pressburg, a mãe de Heinrich Heine."
By Mila Rechcigl
biographers have usually ignored his father's paternal roots, not to speak about Karl Marx's mother's ancestors. A comment is frequently made that little is known about them. Such statements are even more surprising, considering the fact that the location of Karl Marx's grandfather's native place is clearly visible on his gravestone in the Jewish Cemetery in Trier, Germany. The people who can read the Hebrew alphabet, can clearly read the name Postelberg, which stands for Postoloprty, a town in the Czech Republic, located in the Usti nad Labem Region, about 7 km from Louny.
For those who are unaware of this, I have prepared an abbreviated summary of Karl Marx's ancestors.
Parental Ancestry
Karl Marx's father, Heinrich Marx (1782-1838) was born in Saarlouis, Saarland in Germany. His original name was Hirschel Levi which, upon converting to Protestantism, was changed to
Heinrich. He was a lawyer and judge in Saarlois and later in Trier (Treves), Germany.
antissemítico por
Theodor Fritch
Heinrich Marx was the son of Meir Levi, later surnamed Marx, who was born in Postoloprty, Bohemia in 1748, who later moved to Trier, Germany, where he died in 1804. He was married Eva Lwow (1753-1823), a daughter of Moses ben Joshua Heschel Lwow, rabbi in Trier. The latter's ancestors were mostly rabbis. Marx succeeded his father-in-law, on the latter's death, as a chief rabbi of Trier.
Meir Levi Marx's parents were Samuel (Schmuel) ha-Levi (1735-bf. 1777), born in Postoloprty, Bohemia, and Malka of unknown surname. Little is known about Samuel Levi's father, except that his name was Mordechai Marx and that he lived in Postoloprty, Bohemia.
There is some question who was actually Chaim Pressburg’s father. It could have been Rabbi Michel Lazarus Pressburg (d.1756), or his brother Mayer Pressburg (d. 1752). What seems to be certain, however, that Chaim’s grandfather was Simon Michel, a native of Raab, Bohemia (d. 1719), who later changed his name to Pressburg, after he removed to Bratislava.
It is of interest that through Simon Michel, Karl Marx was related to Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), a brilliant romantic poet and towering figure of 19th century literature. Marx’s
mother Henrietta Pressburg was Heinrich Heine’s 3rd cousin.
Karl Marx's father, Heinrich Marx (1782-1838) was born in Saarlouis, Saarland in Germany. His original name was Hirschel Levi which, upon converting to Protestantism, was changed to
Heinrich. He was a lawyer and judge in Saarlois and later in Trier (Treves), Germany.
antissemítico por
Theodor Fritch
Heinrich Marx was the son of Meir Levi, later surnamed Marx, who was born in Postoloprty, Bohemia in 1748, who later moved to Trier, Germany, where he died in 1804. He was married Eva Lwow (1753-1823), a daughter of Moses ben Joshua Heschel Lwow, rabbi in Trier. The latter's ancestors were mostly rabbis. Marx succeeded his father-in-law, on the latter's death, as a chief rabbi of Trier.
Meir Levi Marx's parents were Samuel (Schmuel) ha-Levi (1735-bf. 1777), born in Postoloprty, Bohemia, and Malka of unknown surname. Little is known about Samuel Levi's father, except that his name was Mordechai Marx and that he lived in Postoloprty, Bohemia.
O tema da
Questão Judáica
Questão Judáica
era amplamente
debatido no século 19,
como em Nova York, 1880
debatido no século 19,
como em Nova York, 1880
Maternal Ancestry.
Karl Marx's mother, Henrietta Pressburg was born on September 20, 1780 in Nijmwegen, The Netherlands. Her parents were Rabbi Isaak Heyman Pressburg and Nanette Cohen.
Isaak Heyman Pressburg was a native of Bratislava (Pressburg in German), where he was born around 1747. He came to Nijmwegen, The Netherlands in 1832, where he became a merchant, and where he died in 1832. Nanette (1754-1833), who was a native of Amsterdam. The Netherlands, came from a prominent Barent-Cohen family, many of whom were rabbis.
in 1785.
Coleção de cartas do soldados
alemães judeus mortos na
alemães judeus mortos na
Grande Guerra (1914-1918)
There is some question who was actually Chaim Pressburg’s father. It could have been Rabbi Michel Lazarus Pressburg (d.1756), or his brother Mayer Pressburg (d. 1752). What seems to be certain, however, that Chaim’s grandfather was Simon Michel, a native of Raab, Bohemia (d. 1719), who later changed his name to Pressburg, after he removed to Bratislava.
It is of interest that through Simon Michel, Karl Marx was related to Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), a brilliant romantic poet and towering figure of 19th century literature. Marx’s
mother Henrietta Pressburg was Heinrich Heine’s 3rd cousin.
See original at
Martin Bormann escreveu esta circular secreta
intitulada "Tratamento da Questão Judáica",
datada de 17 de julho de 1943,
reportando decisão de enviar os judeus
aos campos de trabalhos forçados.
Note-se que o timbre da circular 33/43 é a do
Partido do Trabalhador
Nacional-Socialista Alemão (NSDAP).