quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2009

Football (soccer), a business supporting one billion people

This interview has been translated to English by Google.

Interview: Ex-president of Fifa said that the football industry maintains 1 billion globally pessoas.

Stadium building for the 2014 Cup will stay in Brazil, says Havelange

Chico Santos, Rio


Leo Pinheiro / Valor Economico

João Havelange: "If we could do in all sectors of activity which makes the football, the world would not be the same"
The voice is firm and clear, and the steps and answers. "Football takes the world and gives to eat to almost 1 billion people. There is no industry, no one to do it." Jean-Marie Faustin Goedefroid of Havelange, 93 years completed on May 8, ex-swimmer and Rio of Belgian descent, built his entire career in football and was a great protagonist of the story of the most popular sport in the world. Joao Havelange, as was "renamed", finally buried the amateur romanticism of the first half of last century and entered the sport in the world of business.

Still found time to stay for 58 years as director of one company, Traffic Comet, accumulated over the presidency of the Brazilian Confederation of Sports (CBD), today Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), which had from 1958 to 1974, year where he assumed the presidency of the entity that controls the football world, the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), staying in office until 1998. Today is president of honor of the entity.

"Managing is not fail in resources," says in an interview with Valor elegant office in the center of Rio, which manages its assets. He counts as possible to participate in the Brazilian Cup in 1958, the first won by the country, as increased revenue from crown of the world, criticized the leaders of Brazilian clubs and repels changes in the rules of football to avoid errors of arbitration. "The power of football is in error," maintains. Below, excerpts from the interview:

Value: Tell what your thinking as an entrepreneur.

João Havelange: My thinking is: it does not fail in managing resources. If you have the resources, their task is easier and you come to a happy ending. If you do not have the resources, hardly reach their goals. When I got to the CBD in 1958, it had virtually nothing. The football and had 24 amateur sports. Today, all those sports and left CBD turned into Brazilian Football Confederation, the CBF. We had before us a World Cup (Sweden) and I was not a feature, not a credit in the banks by the position I had as an administrator of a large company (Traffic Comet). With that, I did at that time called for parrots (promissory) and signed as responsible. Not everyone who does this. When we went to the World Cup ...

Amount: But you have not been to Sweden, was it?

Havelange: It was a simple reason: I was, who would sign the kites to send the money? So was the vice president, who was the Paulo Machado de Carvalho. I needed some more resources and could, before the time came to Sweden to start the Cup, two games in Italy, one in Milan against Inter (Internazionale), and another in Florence against Fiorentina. And with this feature is that the team got there and Paul undoubtedly was exceptional, as command, and everything.

Value: The JK (Juscelino Kubitschek president) did not colaboraçãozinha?

Havelange: This is where I want to get there: I imagined asking him to make a medal, a kind of currency with many karats of gold in the mint. On the one hand, place the emblem of the Republic, and the other, the emblem of the CBD. And the president Juscelino gave order to the mint and we made 10 thousand medals or coins. As the seal of the mint guarantee the amount of gold he had, I went to several banks and delivering packages of a thousand medals. How was gold, they credited me immediately. Thus, the managed resources.

Value: The gold had liquidity ...

Havelange: Exactly. The banks sent to the agencies and there was always someone who wanted to buy. And it was so I made the Cup in 1958. The time has passed, we had another World Cup in 1962 (Chile), and did the same thing. In 1966 (England) was different, finally, we arrive at 1970 (Mexico). Then the features were different.

Value: Brazil already had two world title in baggage.

Havelange: The business card was presented other ... After the CBD was elected to Fifa. When I got there, I would be lying if he said I found $ 20 in cash. I took a program that, in the insistence, was not accepted by the Executive Committee. And to implement this project, as Fifa had nothing, I had the fortune to have two meetings, with each other with Adidas and Coca-Cola International. And the two have teamed to me in this program. And there began to reach the resources. And I can immediately change the way you manage to Fifa. I want you look good for this: the first World Cup that I chaired, was to be shown where it was in 1978 in Argentina. Had 16 teams. They competed in 32 games 25 days. And the final revenue, gross was U.S. $ 78 million. Four years later in Spain, the revenue rose to $ 84 million. Then I got the permission of the Executive Committee to modify the Cup for 1986, which would be in Mexico from 16 to 24 times. At 24, we would have 54 games and, instead of 25 days, jogaríamos in 30 days. The result: pass for $ 84 million to $ 500 million in revenue. In continuation, a new study and I spent 24 to 32 selections. The 1990 Cup in Italy was still disputed by 24 selections, but in the United States were 32, playing 62 matches in 30 days. And, wonder, went from $ 80 million (1978), or $ 500 million (1986), for $ 2.2 billion. Following that was France in 1998, went to $ 2.8 billion. And now a World Cup pays $ 4 billion. We have sponsors from the field when you have the World Cup, and they are also present in other FIFA competitions. There are 15 sponsors. And the payment of which are in the field is U.S. $ 75 million each. Is the television, giving more to U.S. $ 2.2 billion. And we have 1.4 million to 1.5 million attendees, which correspond to almost $ 1 billion in revenue. So, a World Cup is now a revenue of $ 4.2 billion.

Value: It is a powerful business ...

Havelange: Exactly. So you allow me the lack of modesty, but it was a work, a study we did when we arrived. Nobody had thought about it and nobody had done. The people, the company seeks to give the best, but also have the best, and is the best recipe. I applied this same principle in that Fifa has now become one of the great powers of the world.

Value: Your father had business in the area of arms, but you were working in a company bus ...

Havelange: I graduated in law with 20 years in 1930, and lost my father in 1934. After internships in law firms, I was learning to work. I enter the Belgo-Mineira Steel Company, which still exists today (the unit of long steel arcelormittal). There I learned to get customers at the counter, learned to catalog, write to the machine, learning to make letters, learned to visit clients and, after four years, I quit because I wanted a different situation. Over time, I was invited by the owners of Comet to go to the company. That was in 1940 and I was working as a lawyer. I was two years in that position. Then I was the director and shall be two years. And now I will say one thing that will surprise you because it no longer exists: I was 58 years as president, 62 years in the same company.

Value: So you went from there in 2002?

Havelange: Exactly. It was there I learned what it was administered. I am driver, I'm not mechanical, I did not change tires, I did not move in chassis ... But there are resources to have a good administration, we have the best looking.

Value: You innovated, hired psychologists to take care of drivers, concerned about security ...

Havelange: The drivers had to make an examination as the aviator.

Value: What was the brand of its management?

Havelange: For you have an idea, only one detail: the bus has two rear tires on the wheel. When the tire from inside furava, the driver had to take the wheel out, get the flat tire, get the new tire on the bus, place, put the out and save the bored. In the Comet was all done in 17 minutes. I call this administration. It is a detail that seems to be important, but it does. If the guy is still two hours to do that task is not good. Bother the passenger, he complains. It was with this spirit, this thought and this desire that I went to Fifa if elected president. And the football today is one of the world and I'll tell you why: 250 million. If you multiply that by four in a family, give 1 billion, is not it? So, football takes on the world and gives to eat to almost 1 billion people. No industry, no one who does. Today, I see that football is a power, is desired, it is applauded and criticized, of course, like everything we do in life. But it is an example to be followed.

Value: As you managed to combine the presidency of the CBD with Comet and then, with Fifa?

Havelange: First, I had the respect of the world. Was to do. If I had to come, I came (to Brazil) and was always well advised to continue the work, a board of high quality and quality.

Value: Football has become a major business in the world, but in Brazil the poor clubs. Why?

Havelange: You said well, the clubs poor Brazilians, Europeans, no. Because we have bad government. The subject today is manager, is director and is still fan. Administrator is not, and this is the big problem. And then, the federal law should change. You see now what happened in the world? A tremendous hit! How many highly qualified people were arrested because they had responsibilities and failed? The day this happens in football - the guy is president, but responds with their property, may be a chain-and go, you will see that everything will change.

Value: Call Pelé Law (No. 9615/98, which ended with the pass, the link to the club's sports player) contributed to the problems of clubs in Brazil?

Havelange: For me and helped a lot. When he made the law I called and said "if I were you do not have because you will bring great harm to everyone." Previously, when the player's pass was sold, the club gave him 15% of the sale. And who did the contract with the new club was the player was not any individual. Today, everything is in the hands of people. Recently I read that a player would not know where to. There were three businessmen, each had a third of his passes. Before there was talk in slavery. This is a slave, you forgive me.

Value: It's owned by people ...

Havelange: Exactly. Today the director says the pass is there, is not the Fluminense (for example). The pass must be the player's club, is owned by the club, can not be yours and not mine. The club is giving the sign, gave the shirt, give the color. If not overcome this, we will continue down.

Value: The implementation of the Africa Cup (2010)?

Havelange: Before leaving the Fifa realize that nothing ever happened in history in Africa, no events, nothing. So, we the president (Joseph) Blatter (Fifa substitute for Havelange in) and ready to leave in 2010 was the World Cup to Africa. You see what this is! They are doing stadiums, are organizing, they are disciplined ... The Confederations Cup was made of and everything went perfect. If we could do in all sectors of human activity that makes the football, the world would not be the same.

Value: What is the economic and social importance for the implementation of Brazil's Cup in 2014?

Havelange: Since I'm talking to an economic newspaper, I will make a fact: I do not know if you know that France received 60 million per year from tourists. It is known that the tourist class A and B, which spends $ 1,000 per trip. So, tourism had come in France $ 60 billion. We had then the World Cup in France in 1998. Beyond the average jumped to 70 million tourists, or the Cup for France gave U.S. $ 10 billion per year. So you have to be analyzed. "But I will spend money in the stadium! He is not going to be put down. "I spend at the airport! He is also, for the good of all.

Value: Many criticize both the CBF and in FIFA, the fact that there is no limit to the reeleições. How do you see that?

Havelange: We will not mix politics with other things. Everyone wants to sit in football since leaving the name in the newspaper. But you know that work. The Blatter arrives to the office every day at 8 am and leaves at 18. I, when I was there, too. During the 24 years that I was always by choice. At first, I had a dispute with another candidate. In other (elections), was by acclamation. Because like!

Value: How do you see the complaints that the rules of football evolves very slowly, not attached to technology?

Havelange: You will surprise my answer. The power of football is the error. I will say why. World Cup 1986 in Mexico. There were 24 selections, 54 games. Only speaks of a game, Argentina and England, because Maradona was a goal with his hand. Cup of 1966 in England: until now discuss the third goal for England against the Germans in the final (there are serious doubts about whether the ball actually came). The volleyball, when I played, had the highest 1m80, 2m10 today. So, the rule had to change. In football I want a rule change was to increase the goal to the side and upwards. The Aimorés (Moreira, former goalkeeper and ex-coach) should be 1.75 m. Today, as has Dida? Two meters and less. So I had thought to increase the goal up in a ball and half ball for each side. We check. You see that thinking is one thing and run is another. If that happened you would have to frustrate most areas of Europe because there was not as back. Most stages had no clue around then was not to move.

Value: The idea of putting a chip in the ball to know where it is perhaps?

Havelange: I am against. I think the referee is there for that. Football has changed, but its strength is still the error. You go for coffee and discuss, or nearly so and why attack it. The day that you get this, it is done go to the Teatro Municipal de tails, clap and go home.

Value: What was the greatest joy that football has given to you?

Havelange: Naturally, the Cup of 1958. Brazil has never won. I came to the CBD ... then said that I was a swimmer and did not understand anything about football, is a right of each, but with the method that I took, we were champions. In 1966 (Brazil lost tricampeonato) criticized me a lot, but I'll remind you: President of Fifa, an Englishman (Sir Stanley Rous) said that football was born in England and that England was that he knew football. But was never champion. World Cup in England: The only team that came out of London was not the English selection. When Brazil was playing the first three games, against Bulgaria, against Hungary and against Portugal, the three referees and six flags, seven were British and two German. Eventually the team with our (violence). And who was champion? England, with Germany as vice. I was criticized, I was mistreated, almost attacked me, but what nobody wants is to analyze, because football is a passion and you have to respect that passion, even if it is against you. But that passion is not because it is against what you have to change the rule.

Value: How do you see the Brazilian economy and the government of President Lula?

Havelange: It is not because the president is in office, but we must recognize that in a moment of world crisis of the countries that Australia was the least experienced. Within the problem there was a balance. We hardly feel the waves of 50 meters. We are only in marolas. And I think this is an example to follow. Not that he needs to perpetuate itself, but, undoubtedly, is an example to be followed.

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